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Championing the urgent restoration of Britain's deteriorating soil to prevent flooding, mitigate the effects of climate change and promote national food security


A partnership of farming organisations, businesses, NGOs, applied science and academia working together to restore our soils to health within one generation.




Latest News

SSA Update: August 2024

The SSA has provided input to the joint consultation by the UK Government, the Scottish Government, the Welsh Government and the DAERA for Northern Ireland on the integration of Greenhouse Gas Removals (GGRs) into the UK Emissions Trading Scheme.

SSA Update: July 2024

The SSA has written to Secretary of State Steve Reed outlining the role of healthy soils in achieving Defra's policy priorities and the need for an ambitious policy framework to protect and enhance English soils. 

SSA Update: June 2024

The SSA, on behalf of the Carbon Advisory Group, has submitted a response to the BSI consultation on its new nature markets standard, BSI Flex 701. 

SSA Update: April 2023

In April we held our annual fundraising dinner at Yeo Valley HQ in Somerset. Find out how it went. 

SSA Update: March 2024

The SSA has responded to the Welsh government's Sustainable Farming Scheme consultatoin which is designed to replace Common Agricultural Policy subsidies post Brexit. 

SSA Update: February 2024

We have published the 2023 Soil Health Industry Platform (SHIP) report which outlines a summary of industry actions for the protection of soil health in 2023, and the platform's priorities for the coming year. 

SSA Update: February 2024

In February, we hosted a workshop in collaboration with the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology as part of the Land Use for Net Zero Soil Health and Carbon Dynamics Topic Advisory Group. 

SSA Update: February 2024

We have updated our repsone to the 2021 Farming Rules for Water regulatory review following a call from the Defra Water Quality and Agriculture Team.

SSA Update: January 2024

The SSA team were in Oxford in Janaury for the Oxford Farming Conference and Oxford Real Farming Conference. Read our summary of all things soil below!

SSA Update: January 2024

We are excited to be part of the recently announced Land Use for Net Zero (LUNZ) hub, with £6.25 million funding from UKRI.

SSA Update: December 2023

Following the publication of the EFRA committee's report into soil health in England, the SSA summarises the key takeaways in a briefing note. 

SSA Update: November 2023

The eighth Soil Health Industry Platform (SHIP) meeting was held in November, which members on policies and projects relevant to the six action areas which underpin the SHIP commitment. 

The Week in Soil: 14 February

UK government ministers have decided to no longer ring-fence farm cash for Wales, meaning future allocations will be rolled into the general funding given to the Welsh government. This has raised ‘huge concern’ with the Farmers' Union of Wales , who warn of a cut of nearly 40% to Wales’ farming budget. Scotland’s ‘Prepa...

Our Work


Soils policy is about more than just government activity.  Indeed, we campaign for action and policy change by a wide range of players: farming, urban and woodland; corporate and agency; national, regional and local; voluntary and regulatory.

Stakeholder Events

Stakeholder events have been a cornerstone of our campaigning activities since our launch in 2017.

Consultation & Policy Responses

We respond to calls for evidence to ensure that soil health is at the heart of this decision-making with views representative of our Science Panel, Strategic Advisory Board and broader membership

Soil Library

Visit our collection of online resources on soil health, science and policy.

Soil Policy

Policy Focused Research

Soil Guidance

Championing the
Sustainable Soils Alliance

Supporters of the SSA have a critical role to play in enabling soil recovery within one generation and a sustainable soil policy for future generations. Join our champions and help support our important work with a donation.