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Stakeholder Events

Stakeholder events have been a cornerstone of our campaigning activities since our launch in 2017. The three Parliamentary debates we hosted (alongside Rebecca Pow MP) made us the first external organisation ever to bring the issue of soil health to Westminster, while our workshops enabled stakeholders from across the soils spectrum to debate key issues of principle and detail and helped foster a sense of community among our members.

25 April 2024

Yeo Valley hosted our annual fundraising dinner at their HQ in Blagon. Find out more! 

5th February 2024

Workshop in collaboration with the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology as part of the Land Use for Net Zero Soil Health and Carbon Dynamics Topic Advisory Group. 

23 November 2022

We co-created this workshop with the Universty of Plymouth on evidencing how the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) delivers for soil health and food security.

12 September 2022

See how the evening went.

04 September 2022

The Farm Soil Carbon Code (UKFSCC) Consortium hosted thefourth and final workshop. Read the workshop report below.

04 April 2022

The Farm Soil Carbon Code (UKFSCC) Consortium hosted the third in its series of workshops. Watch or rewatch the workshop using the link below.

22 March 2022

We hosted a workshop on Soils in the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) in partnership with Defra. Read the workshop report below.

16 November 2021

We hosted a second UK Farm Soil Carbon Code Stakeholder Workshop on 16th November. Watch or rewatch the workshop using the link below.

21 October 2021

We hosted a stakeholder workshop for Defra attended by policy makers, experts and practitioners to discuss the use of soil data and maps. 

14 July 2021

We hosted a virtual stakeholder event with the Soil Association.

15 March 2021

We hosted a workshop to establish consensus on metrics for measuring soil structure - the first steps to understand what would be needed for the development of a soil structure target for England.

27 November 2020

Read our workshop report: Opportunities, Challenges and Recommendations.

5 November 2019

Our practical workshop with the Environment Agency & Yeo Valley farms.

12 September 2019

See how the evening went.

18 March 2019

Further details, summary report & speaker videos here.

13 March 2018

Our event focusing on soil and the 25 year plan.

23 October 2017

Read more about the launch of the SSA in parliament.

16 December 2016

More about our Commitment Meeting at Yeo Valley HQ.

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