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Feb 2023

Advisory board members Dr Helaina Black, Professor Mark Reed, Professor Guy Ziv and Matthew Orman were quoted on development of the minimum requirements for this article in Farm Week.

Dec 2022

Advisory board member Professor Mark Reed of SRUC speaks on the Talking Natural Capital Podcast about soil carbon codes and the development of minimum requirements. Listen to the episode below:

Sep 2022

The forth Stakeholder Workshop in a series of consultative workshops took place on 27th September. You can read the workshop report below.

Sep 2022

The draft Report and recommendations on minimum requirements for high-integrity soil carbon markets in the UK is now open for public and stakeholder consultation and we invite feedback on all elements of it.

May 2022

The review of international codes undertaken by members of the UK Farm Soil Carbon Code Consortium has been submitted for publication in Carbon Management. The pre-print version under review can be found here:

Mar 2022

The third Stakeholder Workshop in a series of consultative workshops that will run throughout the Code’s development took place on 4th April. You can read the workshop report and/or watch the recording below.

Mar 2022

Dr Helaina Black, a member of the UK Farm Soil Carbon Code Consortium, highlights that a "cheap, accurate measurement of soil carbon is within reach", and the work of the Consortium to develop these measures (listen from 22:42mins).

Jan 2022

New report by the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee on the potential role of nature-based solutions, which the SSA responded to on behalf of the UKFSCC consortium.

Jan 2022

A new report led by the Green Alliance and researchers from Manchester University and SRUC fills critical knowledge gaps regarding UK soil sequestration potential.

Nov 2021

This workshop provided an opportunity for all stakeholders to find out more about the progress on the Code’s creation. You can watch or rewatch the workshop using the link below.

Jul 2021

Three projects have been awarded funding to help develop new carbon markets for regenerative agriculture, saltmarsh restoration and lowland peatlands.

Jul 2021

The event heard from businesses already involved in monetising carbon sequestration and experts in nature-based carbon code development. 

Jul 2021

Grant awarded under the Environment Agency’s Investment Readiness Fund to develop a Soil Carbon Code for UK farmers.

Jun 2021
Jan 2021

A consortium of farmers, academics, technology businesses and NGOs has been awarded a grant under the EA’s Investment Readiness Fund to develop and pilot a UK Farm Soil Carbon Code.

Jan 2021

The Soil Association and the Sustainable Soils Alliance host a virtual “Landscape to carbonscape: the roadmap to a soil carbon market place” stakeholder event on Wednesday 14 July.