The launch was hosted by Rebecca Pow MP, who neatly encapsulated the event as follows: “A remarkable two hundred people, from scientists to NGOs, farmers, environmental groups and academics were brought together through the recognition that our soils have for too long been neglected and the determination that through a joint approach we can push for a positive change in the way our soils are managed so that the soil crisis might be reversed”.
Then Secretary of State Michael Gove not only attended the reception but stated words to the effect that soil will now start to get the attention it deserves from this Government. He promised to work with the SSA to ensure this happens.
The report above contains the SSA's eight-point Call to Action, an overview of the main priority areas for reversing the crisis in our soils and restoring them to health within one generation. Successfully pursuing these actions will require the ‘joint approach’ Rebecca Pow referred to above. We are extremely grateful to those of you that expressed the willingness to collaborate with us in the task ahead by offering us your time, finances and expertise.