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Soils ‘policy’ is determined by a wide variety of organisation, not limited to national and devolved governments and the various enforcement agencies.  Land management is also driven by research and recommendations by NGOs, farming groups, businesses and scientists – calls to action which aim to influence government policy and farmer behaviour and the role of numerous organisation in-between.  

The following is a collection of the most authoritative and influential, categorised according to the organisation responsible.

Anything to add: if there are relevant pieces of literature missing from this library, please contact us with any suggestions at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Scottish Government

This consultation forms part of the civic conversation being led by the National Council of Rural Advisors, to start the debate on a comprehensive new approach to supporting the rural economy to achieve world class agricultural and environmental outcomes.


Scottish Government

The Scottish biodiversity strategy is made up of two documents: a strategy for conserving biodiversity in Scotland up to 2030 and a plan to  achieve the desired outcomes of the European Biodiversity Strategy for 2020 and the UN Aichi targets.


Scottish Government

These regulations seek to tackle diffuse agricultural pollution and were created to comply with the Water Framework Directive.


Scottish Government

This framework is aimed at government policy leads, delivery partners, environmental and business NGOs, research organisations and other key stakeholders with an interest.